Sunday, November 1, 2015


In order to succeed professionally and personally, you need to get out of your head and into your heart. 

Your heart vibrates at the same level as the universe. Your mind does not vibrate at this level. By imagining and thinking of what you need, want and desire first, then focus that energy into and then out of your heart, MAGIC IS SURE TO COME. 

When you connect your heart energy to the vibration of the universe, you can begin to manifest your dreams. 

FIRST you need make a commitment to your heart. Your heart is yearning to be heard and it has a lot to say. By taking a pledge to listen to it, your heart will respond with gratitude and love and joy! 

Place your right hand over your heart and your left hand over your right. Feel your heartbeat, say hello to her. State this pledge with feeling and meaning. Speak directly to your heart.


by Cinda Lonsway for CONNECT TO SUCCESS 10/28/15

I pledge allegiance to you my heart......

that I will give you a voice in my journey......

I Promise to listen to and follow your guidance.......

For I know that your guidance holds messages......

Messages key to my purpose, my destiny, my joy.....

I understand that you will inform me.....

when I am out of alignment.....

because I will feel stress, irritations, or anxiety.....

When this happens......

I promise that I will get quiet......

and listen to you again......

For there is deep wisdom inside you.....

Wisdom that I need to move forward.....

Thank you my beloved heart....

Thank you for the work you do for me.....

Thank you for being my keeper and my seeker.....

With great gratitude I honor you.....

You are loved.....

I AM LOVE.....

1 comment:

  1. As always Cinda, I am moved deeply by your words... Beautiful!
